Hello....new member


Stutt9art VIP
Cars owned: Several...
Hey Hello,

I hear you are all hiding over here now.

Have a variety of German and Italian numbers in the garage and I hang around with the wrong sorts, dodgey vikings in particular!

Catch up with you all soon.

Welcome Dave
Hi Dave

We need pics of that stable especially the first car!! drool!
About time you found your way over here, just dont bring Brendon J :)
Welcome Brembo Snr... This is a sober place for cool dudes, how did you find your way ??

See you on Spa for group hug and Kemmel drag race in the 9e cars.
Hello and welcome to S9's

awesome selection of cars bud the 996's and zonda in particular
Hi Dave, thanks for registering and getting involved.

I will open up the private areas for you now....give me 2 mins to sort

Special line up of cars you have there, you will fit in here a treat :)
Hello Mr. Speedfreak. Good to see you here. Have you been informed that joining S9 makes joining our Zandvoort trip obligatory? Better have a word with the wife :eek::
Hello Mr. Speedfreak. Good to see you here. Have you been informed that joining S9 makes joining our Zandvoort trip obligatory? Better have a word with the wife :eek::

haha when is it, mid June? It is when I am on holiday I think, boo hoo!