Alastair New Member recommended by S9S members


Stutt9art VIP
Cars owned: Ferrari 348 Spider AC Cobra - yes real! :) Ferrari 575 F1
Dear S9S,
Just joined today after hearing great recommendations recently from a host of current members.
Thanks to andyC, oldDD and others who have told me what a great forum it is.

Look forward to joining in the conversations and look forward to meeting fellow members soon.

Thanks again, Merry christmas and a happy motoring new year.
Best regards Alastair
Welcome Alastair :(y):

Moz (Steve) will be along shortly to let you into the private areas.
PS love that avatar!
Alastair would be a great addition to the inner sanctum,knows more influential people than you could throw a stick at .Plus one of the most informed McLaren people there is (Bar me :eek:: )
Alastair,some of the stuff you will have to take with a pinch of salt,there are no holes barred here !!
mmm The Cult is getting stronger, safety in nos eh...Lol
Welcome Alistair, Andy we need to get some Mac staff on here?
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Welcome Alistair and enjoy getting involved on S9's.

A few of us in here would like to buy a 675LT if you do get offered one so post in here first ! But, and its a big but, only if it really is for sale and not like last weeks debacle !
Welcome Alistair


(Moz is on the lash in Berko so may be a while - Tony can press the button?)
Hello mr. Bols . Welcome to s9 , some of us love cars but will never buy a Mac again 👀
Hello mr. Bols . Welcome to s9 , some of us love cars but will never buy a Mac again 👀

He's not proud,he sells other Shit as well .....
Welcome Alistair


(Moz is on the lash in Berko so may be a while - Tony can press the button?)

I've done it. VIP access now granted Alastair.
Welcome......I feel this could cost me money !
Hi Alister and welcome to S9's.
Yes I was the one who asked you to remove your add on PH for the LT that you didn't have and guest what you are here on my site. Lol. Bollox.
Welcome Alastair - hope you enjoy it here, it is a lot of fun!
Yeah come on in, the price is right.... or is it?
They are the worst kind I'm afraid. I was the original though! The rest Nick and Moz have invited just to keep me in toe!