Blyton tomorrow : track day


Forum moaning cnut and organiser of shit events
Cars owned: some
A friend of mine has organised a track day (in aid of Cancer research) tomorrow at Blyton and has been really badly let down in turn of attendees.

As a result there are a number of spaces available for a whole-day track day with very few cars at Blyton. I think all he'd really expect from anybody attending would be a contribution to Cancer research, and he's asked me to say that anyone turning up in a half decent car will be very welcome, whether or not they want to go on track.

So if anyone can help him out please do so : either contact me or if you prefer just rock up at Blyton any time after 9am tomorrow.
Such a shame when this happens. If I had have known beforehand I would have tried to muster up a few people for him but cannot at such late notice sadly. However, I don't rate the surface there for "good" cars tbh. The Mini loved it though, especially in the wet !

Best of luck to your friend Steve.
Such a shame when this happens. If I had have known beforehand I would have tried to muster up a few people for him but cannot at such late notice sadly. However, I don't rate the surface there for "good" cars tbh. The Mini loved it though, especially in the wet !

Best of luck to your friend Steve.

It's shit for him Nick TBH - any support anyone can give would be good
Its only a short drive for me but Im sorry its just too short notice...I have meetings tomorrow I can't get out of.
Its only a short drive for me but Im sorry its just too short notice...I have meetings tomorrow I can't get out of.

me too mate, but am gonna try and get there mid afternoon and ry and give some support🙁wasntme):
Bit to short Notice, and a bit far for me, and have been Selected for Jury Service Part today and tomorrow.

But if its at all possible to post up a link or something to his Cancer research etc. Then will be happy to donate to that.
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I've been to Blyton once and really enjoyed it. I was driving a lowly mx5, but it suited the venue really well. Such a shame it's too short notice or I'd have been up for this. Hope it works out for him. I'll give a mention on another site I frequent where there are a few locals.
Bugger...1/2 hour away, but ive only just seen this and have stuff planned already....hope it goes well for your mate