Hello..? to all


Stutt9art VIP
Cars owned: Porsches and BMWs
I notice lots of familiar names.

A contingent will know me as either 996RS or LaSource depending on forum...I do need to consolidate the usernames..!
Welcome T! to the other side, or both sides if you are like me
Cheers - its interesting to join a place where you already know a sizeable contingent!
Now lets see some photos of your cars 🙂
Now lets see some photos of your cars 🙂

They are fairly unremarkable....roundish, four wheels, go faster stripes...some have more stripes than others!

I do have the honour though of courting you in my lounge to see if you were going to buy one of mine....🙂

I think I was introduced to you at Brooklands last year, by my friend Pradip. Iirc, you have singlehandedly driven the prices up on GT3's by buying them all....Am I right ?

Stick around, have fun and play nice. We're a good lot in here and Moz will be along soon to unlock the gates for you so you can have full access.

singlehandedly driven the prices up on GT3's by buying them all....Am I right ?


that is definitely true, keep it going 🙂

welcome in !
Cheers all

Hey - I'm not driving up the prices...there's many other more vocal people doing that!

I just see myself as a passing custodian trying to make sure there will be some of Stuttgart's finest for you all to enjoy in years to come 😉
Welcome along 🙂
Hi there and welcome
Welcome Tanvir. Good place this, stick around.
Welcome Tanvir. Good place this, stick around.

Ah....so lesource is Tanvir?,N, he's a top chap one of the nicest people I have ever met, he can drive to.....
Welcome T.......