New joiner


Stutt9art VIP
Cars owned: McLaren 675LT

Joined at recommendation of Mark Hopton and McLaren Owners Club.

Recently purchased chassis #1 675 LT Spider
Mark Hopton? Never heard of him.

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Welcome along, pretty cool having No 1 😎
Welcome to S9’s, hopefully someone will be along to let you in.
Welcome ! Lovely LT you've got yourself there Jamie, congrats
Nice to see a fellow Mac owner, welcome 👌
Can vouch for Jamie!

Can we let him in .....
‘Mark Hopton? Never heard of him.’

I have.....bit of a wrong 'un. :(rofl):
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@moz or @jez.

Let this chap in guys as he’s been waiting patiently.
Sorry Gents, bit busy at work

All VIP entries sorted now, you should see more ?

Welcome in, stick around and get posting please
Welcome! Never heard of you, but if Mr Hopton says you're ok then Im sure you are :)
welcome Jamie...never heard of you either...but know your wife ruins cars with her shoes