New Member, Hi


Stutt9art VIP
Cars owned: Various air-cooled Porsches
Just joined, I recognise a few names here. Thanks to Rephlex for the recomendation.

I look forward to getting involved.

My name is Frank and I'm a Porsche addict.


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Welcome Frank.
A friend of James' is a friend of ours. VIP access now granted and the door is unlocked.

Enjoy S9's and do get stuck in.
We like pictures but we don't like lurkers.
Welcome Frank - good to see you here.

Frank has great taste in cars people 🙂
Welcome Frank ,Bam-ba-lam ......
Welcome buddy, is BB about to be ready to do her thing ?
Hello frank , great to have you here 👍🏻
Welcome. We like pork too 😉
Love Porsches? You'll fit right in. Welcome aboard! 🙂
Welcome Frank

Yippee! More Porsche aficionados! 🙂
Hi there Frank Welcome aboard🙁y):
Welcome Frank
Thank you for the warm welcome! I'll look into the events section and get involved.

I'm hoping to get lots of track days done this year 🙂
Great to have you on board Frank, you didn't hang about.