Ring/Spa trip. Leaving 4th October.


Stutt9art VIP
Cars owned: Orange Mustang Tamiya Hornet
Hi all,

I'm a newbie to this!!! I'm a friend of Vinny, Moz, etc.

We are off to Spa and Ring. Leaving Sat 4th Oct, 07.50 tunnel.

Return Tues 7th Oct, 15.20 tunnel.

Vinny says to book a high vehicle with roof box on tunnel, so his wide car fits, and we can all stick together!!!

Feel free to tag along. The more the merrier!!!

Cheers, Rich.
Rich good to see you on here, a friendly bunch with some healthy debate at times.

I'm sure Moz will grant you VIP access as long as you keep posting.
Hi Rich and welcome. Stick around and help this place grow chap. have you got Vinny out on track in his Macca yet?
Evening Rich, good to see you over here.

Thanks for the invite to this on text last week, gutted I cannot make it, genuinely really gutted.

Stick on here, some good trips get organised.

You also know Danny (aka Gobby) on here from the school gates.

VIP access to all areas now granted, you should be able to see much more now