So... Paris, the creeps assemble.


Cars owned: Getting a King-Cab Rat with a V8
So the International Slime-balls arrive in Paris in a show of 'solidarity' for France in this time of sadness.

What a bunch of vile, two-faced, hypocritical, snidey creeps.

The reality is that those present, including our spineless PM (David 'Quisling' Cameron) allowed the nations they govern to stifle criticism of the cult of Islam.

Every one of the 'great and good' assembled is a hypocrite, even the magazine attacked and published today says so, and for that we should be immensely thankful, even in this time of adversity the French satirists have their eye on the ball, they see this for what it is, a big deceit.

What should come from this is not what we are being shown...

What it should be is the clear statement that criticising a cult/religion/sect is a GOOD THING!

There is nothing wrong with criticism, even unjust criticism tests the resolve of an 'idea' and the cult of Islam is just a sky-fairy fantasy and deserves only criticism, just like every other religious group across this planet.

If you see anyone at this 'mourning' ceremony that looks like a stuffed shirt then frankly they are the ones that these Islamic cultists should have mowed down and done us all a favour in the process.

Shooting cartoonists is like shooting arrows into the night sky with a tether tied around your ankle in an attempt to land on the Moon... the actions of a moron.

But that is what religion often does, it makes people morons.
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Let's get to the nub of this 'event' and dissect it a bit and reveal the mass manipulation of protest we witnessed this weekend.

Because this entire 'Unity' rally was a planned and purposeful take over by a number of Govt's to deflect attention away from the underlying concerns.

There have been dozens of rallies across Europe and in many places in the World, but in particular Europe.

Europe is feeling the pinch of the impingement of imposed tolerance of Islam.

For example the 'imposition' by the various States through the media to call these protests/rallies the UNITY rallies.

It is an attempt to redefine the movement and almost all the mainstream media has toed the line and it is largely called something with 'UNITY' within it.

It hasn't got the traction that was hoped for though and the 're-branding' is only a partial success. should there be further acts of terrorism soon then it won't hold and suddenly with the dropping of the 'UNITY' banner the rallies will be criticised by the same leaders who turned up yesterday in a cordoned off side street, linked arms and had pictures taken at just below head height so as to appear to be part of the 'million+' protesters, appearing to be at the head of the column of protest. A fantastic deception swallowed by many.

Even in the midst of a tragedy, there was cynical lying and deception, right in your face deception with no shame at all.

I bet you along with almost everyone else was fooled by that little deception eh!

Sheep... people do use the term wantonly, but when you look hard at things, the appellation is warranted.
So... look at the BBC and all the other outlets in Europe and you'd think these World leaders were right there doing their bit.

But here is the reality:- or perhaps this makes it clearer:-

So... how do you feel about this constant manipulation? Do you still trust what you're told by the BBC or others?

It is your ability to read this and to realise what a bunch of liars we have in power that scares the living daylights out of them.

That little bunch of linked-armed liars don't want you to be aware of the constant deception that surrounds you.

Scummy people aren't they.
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Just watch this for 'bullshit' broadcasting...

I don't watch TV, haven't switched one on or off for years, but if YOU, that's 'YOU' watch that sort of open ended lie than you really have been conned rotten and it is no wonder it is such an uphill struggle to get 'YOU' to realise how dumb 'YOU' might be.

It's so shockingly blatant, it beggars belief.

I'm looking for the clip of the Idiot Cameron saying he's been to demo's before... what an overt tosser he is!

That was not a 'demo' Dave, that was a social event with some mates... dear god.
Now... I love irony... it has a certain 'je ne sais quoi' and as with all things ironical the following happened on French soil.

'Charlie Hebdo' is a satirical magazine and these killings could be seen as the ultimate extension of satire.

First the Board that met that day was the same board that met just over a year ago to get the State to ban the publication of Marine Le Pen's venture into publishing, yes, the same board met to plan to thwart the publication of a magazine that (and here is the beautiful irony) wanted and has wanted to limit the free movement of Muslims without some form of checking within the EU. The Board at Charlie Hebdo were successful, the Le Pen magazine was thwarted and strangled at birth.

So... when you see that pen or pencil lofted into the air, just quietly reflect on what that pen signed these 'heroes' up to.

You see the old adage that 'Turkeys don't vote for Christmas' is entirely wrong... when it comes to French satirical turkeys at least.

So... look at the BBC and all the other outlets in Europe and you'd think these World leaders were right there doing their bit.

But here is the reality:- or perhaps this makes it clearer:-

So... how do you feel about this constant manipulation? Do you still trust what you're told by the BBC or others?

It is your ability to read this and to realise what a bunch of liars we have in power that scares the living daylights out of them.

That little bunch of linked-armed liars don't want you to be aware of the constant deception that surrounds you.

Scummy people aren't they.

your first link is the same as the 2nd ?
Thank you, it was meant to be a BBC link but I balls'd it up... lol.

I'll correct it... cheers.

Link now corrected. 🙁y):
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Does it really matter where the pictures were taken ? I think it would have been impossible to get a picture like that with all those people behind them...all pushing forward.
Thank you, it was meant to be a BBC link but I balls'd it up... lol.

I'll correct it... cheers.

Link now corrected. 🙁y):

That's shockingly misleading - BBC = bullshit broadcasting corporation !
Does it really matter where the pictures were taken ? I think it would have been impossible to get a picture like that with all those people behind them...all pushing forward.

when I saw the report on the news I though it was mad that all those heads of state were so exposed to the crowd and a security nightmare - seems there wasn't a crowd anywhere near in reality, I bet everyone in that shot is security service connected to various leaders involved

BBC then edit a bit to present them as amongst the crowd, I can see why they need to do this but they shouldn't mislead like that

fucked up world thats for sure
Does it really matter where the pictures were taken ? I think it would have been impossible to get a picture like that with all those people behind them...all pushing forward.
It really does matter!

You see the lies just grow.

You know all those restrictions about liquids at Airports that came in after the 'Underwear Bomber' had a liquid based bomb in his under-crackers...

If you don't keep up then like most people you'll still believe he was a real bomber, whereas he was a CIA asset, 'testing' Airport Security for the Company that had a new Body Scanner they wanted to foist on us all.

So it was a total scam, just as this event was.

The Underwear Bomber and the woman in the Paris attacks lived together for years, they're both CIA assets!

Both were and and possibly still are in the pay of the CIA and MI6... still think it's all innocent?
The woman was 'allowed' to go free, her work was done.

Mr 'Underpants' is now living in Florida and very soon she will join him there...

Doubtless they'll marry and announce it in the Naples Daily News:-

We are delighted to Announce the Engagement and forthcoming Marriage of:-
Mr Eddy "Explosive Underpants" Terrorist to Miss Daisy "Judas Goat" Arabian-Slut.
The Wedding Ceremony will be in a concrete bunker 40 feet below ground.
The couple will then Honeymoon in Bikini Atoll and we at the NDN
wish them luck in the explosive consummation of their nuptuals