Yet Again Another Newbie


New member
Cars owned: M5 E60 Touring 2008 M3 E90 2011 Z3M MC 2001 M5 E39 2003 840ci Sport 1997 Quattroporte GTS 4.7 2
Hi All

Someone recommended this forum a few days ago and having looked through the limited info available, I can’t belive I had never heard of the forum before..I’m based in Somerset but do about 50k miles a year with work so always somewhere in the UK stuck in traffic 😂

I don’t really own anything expensive or exotic but never say never

Hoping to get involved and make new friends on here in due course.
Welcome mate😁
Who was it who recommended you to S9’s ?

The forum was recommended by 2 members on the CSL register, really not sure if they themselves are members, Taz and Kev.
Oh Argh.....
How be on?
Where in Zummerzet you to?
Welcome 😊
Aargh good....

I’m in grockle land aka Burnham on sea.

Aargh good....

I’m in grockle land aka Burnham on sea.


Oh argh! Up on The Dorset border (Sherborne) near Milborne Wick.... tiny little village with many idiots.... amazing ratio of idiots to normal beings.... 😂😂
Could it be the lack of internet 😂
Sounds a little like Bridgwater near us
How long do you leave people like me with no current S9 friends out in the cold? Think I may have now exhausted all public areas..

Grass sounds greener on the inside.......
Respectfully, we are a “by referral” site and do require a contributing member who knows you and who can vouch for you before we admit entry.

We learnt the hard way.

I did ask who pointed you toward us and you mentioned the names of two people who arent members here and as such wouldnt have really been able to recommend S9’s to you so we are bemused as to how or why you have found us.

Is their anything else that has brought you to our door ?
Think I am going to have to wait and see if I can spot someone I know, or maybe get spotted.

Is there anything else that has brought me to the site?

A love of cars, never been on a track behind the wheel but have more than made up in daily driving miles I would say.
All my cars have been average cars that I can drive daily so no supercars.

Goal is to eventually get into a good 575M or 612 .... and the mention of a 575m on another forum may have been one of the reasons someone mentioned coming here not because I would find the dream car but because more chance of someone owning one here than say a BMW forum I guess....

Happy to bide my time and join in public areas when I can until I get called up 😎