GermanWings Airbus A320 crashes.

Perhaps not a good time to relate this story but a very good friend of mine is a captain for Virgin, a few years ago when he was coming back from the States he was stopped by some over zealous security who were checking the flight crews in one of the American airports, they got really nasty with him because he had accidently left a small pair of scissors in his wash bag, the security guy kicks off and starts shouting at him that he should know better and how it could be a major security risk, Derek replied," Look mate, if I want to take over the plane it shouldn't be too difficult as I'm sitting in the left hand seat any way and I don't need to blow it up or take anybody hostage, I'll just push the stick forward".The security guy wasn't really sure how to answer that one!
When flying, we are always going to land..... That's a given!
One of my mates little brothers really wanted to be a pilot from way back when we were kids, his eyesight was/is not good though (has to wear mega bottle top thick glasses), so he failed the medical to join the RAF. He then tried becoming a commercial pilot and due to his awful eyesight was not able.....until that is, he sussed out that many eastern European airlines seemed to not care less about his awful eyesight.

So for the last 15 years he's been flying jet liners between the UK and Uzbeckistan & Poland. You may well have flown with the half blind fucker. Top stuff eh.
Yet another bi-polar goes mad, kills a parent and others...

Big Pharma and drug pushers of all shades cause this to happen too often.

The answer is part Talking Cure for psychosis and Neurological examination for a deeper physical error in the brain.