Super Sausage This Sunday?


Active member
Cars owned: Few Porsches, and others
Need to do some miles for Monday, anyone up for a Bacon Bap around 9-9.30 same as the other week?
I've not got anything else on Sun morning so could drop in, it's only 15 mins away for me.
May pop down for half an hour if it's early.
Would do, but I'm in Knutsford this weekend sorry
Would do, but I'm in Knutsford this weekend sorry

Your always up here ....

Got a bird, child up here

I guess you will be pestering me for a passenger ride in the Lexarse
Your always up here ....

Got a bird, child up here

I guess you will be pestering me for a passenger ride in the Lexarse

LOL - nope. Got plenty of family though.

Got a load of family stuff on so unlikely to be able to pop over to see the Lexarse sadly mate.
LOL - nope. Got plenty of family though.

Got a load of family stuff on so unlikely to be able to pop over to see the Lexarse sadly mate.

what you mean is that after Marbs, you are grounded for next 30 years......:(clap):
Super Sausage 5 mins from Silverstone

Already !!!! Do they do Veggie one's , I need to see you race fit for next season Matey !!!!
LOL - nope. Got plenty of family though.

Got a load of family stuff on so unlikely to be able to pop over to see the Lexarse sadly mate.

I read that as: volunteered to spend time with most boring family members rather than go and look at that fugly car
I read that as: volunteered to spend time with most boring family members rather than go and look at that fugly car

^ this. :D
Ok, will see you guys at 9.15, full English fry up for me!
I read that as: volunteered to spend time with most boring family members rather than go and look at that fugly car

I hit the no button :(devil):

Ahhh shit. Im working in Donny this weekend. Gutted as I wanted to see PORK>