What's happened to the forum?

This is the public bit ?? 🙁sweat):
Moz had a 997 turbo but it was too much for him

Yeah not many people can handle the amount of torque they produce. so they go back to N/A and give the excuse that it sounds better :chuckle:
Well, the SV wing is ok. I had one in black. Bit of an old heffalump dino but what a statement.

An aftermarket thing on a tarmac splattered audi, just trying too hard. And failing, I might add!
Again, OEM and very nice, looks the part
please tell, what's your opinion on "aftermarket" cf petrol caps ?

( and why do i keep quoting the "sl" bit ? )

Qn1. No idea, cf one on my 16m isn't aftermarket

Qn2. You=muppet