wheel cleaner


Forum moaning cnut and organiser of shit events
Cars owned: some
Now that they've taken the acid out of Wonder Wheels (that was £25 wasted on Saturday in Halfrauds:=🙂) does anyone know of a wheel cleaner that actually works?

The new WW is simply shit and won't touch the muck on the Performante wheels (even though there not actually that dirty!)

(there must sill be an acid based cleaner available in this nanny-state world we live in?)
Be careful with wheel cleaner on carbon rotors
If you want something to strip burnt on brake dust from stuff you really don’t care about, you want something with acid (like the original WW) - use brick cleaner which is about the same concentration of HCl.

Otherwise just use Bilt Hamber Auto Wheel (or the Sansom stuff is supposed to be decent) if you don’t want to destroy everything that isn’t painted.
I use red stuff from autosmart - seems to do the trick and is definitely stronger than most of the run of the mill wheel cleaners
I use bilberry - you really don’t want to be using acid based wheel cleaner. The best idea is use something like GTechniq C5 ceramic sealer which means the dust just wipes off with a sponge.
Iron-X is also good for the little pad deposit spots.

I use this stuff for track days, and it does make a big difference but will only last a week or so.

If you want something to strip burnt on brake dust from stuff you really don’t care about, you want something with acid (like the original WW) - use brick cleaner which is about the same concentration of HCl.

Otherwise just use Bilt Hamber Auto Wheel (or the Sansom stuff is supposed to be decent) if you don’t want to destroy everything that isn’t painted.

I use Bilt Hamber too
Iron X is the best. great for “clay baring” ceramic cars too as you cant use clay on ceramic.
Also Britemax have grime out too which in a 50/50 mix is also effective as a more frequent use.
Thanks for all the responses guys! - I've ordered one of everything mentioned to see what suits me best!!:8):