AWOL for Eight Years


Stutt9art VIP
Cars owned: Jag XFRS 911 RSR Rep - almost finished
For the past 8 years I have been concentrating on PGT as my one-stop forum. A chance conversation with Moz and Nick on another matter reminded me that I ought to drop back in and see what's been happening in the intervening years. Look forward to some banter....
Welcome back David, I think you will like it in here now. The place has got some momentum behind it these days.

Get involved
Hi David,
You'll enjoy S9's now I'm sure.
Many faces here you will know and some that you won't. Pitch in and enjoy.
It would be good if we can get you along to one of our meets at some point too, although I know you're in the arse end of nowhere which does make it hard 🙂
Thanks Steve and Nick!

Good to be back - as soon as I get this RSR back on the road I plan to be out and about for sure!
I rarely use the other side now , this is where the cool kids hang out 😎😎😎
Good to see you over here David 🙁y):
welcome to the "other" place

Pretty cool and relaxed over here the real world.
