


As per the title really....I'd just like to say 'hello'. :eagerness:
Hi Kaz,

Nice to see you over here. How's life ?
Hi Kaz
Nice to see you here, apart from Moz you are the only woman here. Lol
And Kaz is pretty gorgeous too ;) , treat her gently. :)
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Life's good...for the moment anyway.

What does that mean, are you expecting something to go awry now that you are hanging around these here parts with us old reprobates ?

Only met you once Kaz, at Angus's funeral sadly, but do you do track days / euro hoons etc or just online tap tap tapping ?
What does that mean, are you expecting something to go awry now that you are hanging around these here parts with us old reprobates ?

Old reprobates? I feel I should apologise for possibly increasing the mean age somewhat :chuckle:
Old reprobates? I feel I should apologise for possibly increasing the mean age somewhat :chuckle:

Well, I would always have played the gentleman but now that you've mentioned it.
Ayup Kaz, fancy seeing you over here :)

Get involved, we all know you.

Proper old school crowd in here.

Coolest forum on the web is this.
heh. kaz popping in as I do a Return to the Place. it must mean something.
Hi, I think we met at the " other teams" Duxford meet last month. I was the guy with the big red Datsun.
Hi Kaz, you might enjoy it over here :D
She's only here spying for Maxine, don't be fooled by it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :gunsmilie: