How do we roll?


Stutt9art VIP
Cars owned: Bike
Had an interesting chat with Steve the other night, regarding the pressures we put on ourselves under because we are a certain type.

Haven't slept properly for three and a half weeks due to pressures

Realised i've got far too many plates spinning for my head to cope with stuff

Our House for Sale
Found a house to buy
3 New cars on order, 2 due in may
Appointed a commercial director in my main business
Appointed 6 new managers in my main business
30 odd ground staff to co ordinate (read grief)
Relentless business and overheads growth
Garage interiors and doors business busy
Kids taking their gcses
Wife suffering with menopause terribly
Starting my journey on circuit racing
Expensive lifestyle vs quality of life

Generally not exercising, knackered and stressed to hell. Bit of a hamster wheel, how do you break the cycle?

Anyone else get like this?
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Mostly good problems to have, except the menopause.

Not that this is a pissing contest, but similar issues here, but I'm an operations director so plate spinning is expected and i guess i'm good at coping and spinning.

Team of approx 500, across 7 sites & 3 Countries (1 Country refusing to speak English despite our business being English language)
8 direct reports in 2 countries
Business growing 40% YOY
Trying to Jobshare with a fuckwit
Buying a house
Selling a flat
Dealing with a house with no roof in the USA as it was blown off at Christmas by a Tornado (that i need to sell as well !!)
Peri Peri Wife (Pre menopausal)
Kid that wont talk to me
Ex that wont talk to me (so have to do it through the courts)
Child Maintenance on my back constantly, even though they draw at source (Go figure)
HMRC fucking up tax for the last 3 years and due another cock up i suspect
Diabetic, nearly lost my foot 2 years ago and not being able to exercise much since for fear of doing it again !

Aside from that, i'm thankful for what i have and what we are able to achieve and inspite of all of the above really love life at the moment !

This place helps as well 🙂

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I never get likes that . You will die young hud , unless you sort this

You must learn to switch off , I'm in the middle of a war , political turmoil , financial madness and a family issue and I sleep like a baby , find time for the gym and eat a perfect diet . My working day never really stops as when I'm in late at night my phone goes 24/7. Plus I'm working for free out here .
Train your mind to be like a vice , compartmentalise or you will age sooner[fact] and die younger[fact] as well as get physically sick more often . Turn it off mate , that's no way to live 👍🏻
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I never get likes that . You will die young hud , unless you sort this

You must learn to switch off , I'm in the middle of a war , political turmoil , financial madness and a family issue and I sleep like a baby , find time for the gym and eat a perfect diet . My working day never really stops as when I'm in late at night my phone goes 24/7. Plus I'm working for free out here .
Train your mind to be like a vice , compartmentalise or you will age sooner[fact] and die younger[fact] as well as get physically sick more often . Turn it off mate , that's no way to live 👍🏻

I've done that for 44 years mate, things are just harder work than normal. Wife prescribed. HRT so hoping that will help .. I can't explain what it's like to deal with
I never get likes that . You will die young hud , unless you sort this

You must learn to switch off ..... Turn it off mate , that's no way to live 👍🏻

easier said than done - what's the trick to switching off ??

.... Wife prescribed. HRT so hoping that will help .. I can't explain what it's like to deal with

Feel for you, my mrs is going through the same, she had chemo last year, so it's all come on real quick and she isn't allowed HRT ....kind of hoping she takes up the offer of Prozac (so I can swipe the odd tablet) 🙁blush):
I've done that for 44 years mate, things are just harder work than normal. Wife prescribed. HRT so hoping that will help .. I can't explain what it's like to deal with

Ouch that's no joke to deal with .
Whatever you do sleep and diet are the key ingredients , food has an amazing effect on ones energy and mood , please address this and everything will fall into place around it . Give it a couple of weeks on the good food , it's key .
Mostly alpha males in here. We thrive on risk taking, working hard, ambition, wanting to be the best, wanting more than others around us, stress (to a degree) is like a drug to alphas. Driven, focused, tunnel vision with laser guided goals

You dont get to drive around in Supercars without a trade off and some big sacrifices in life.

Comes with the territory Gents. Learn to deal with it or get off the gravy train and become a boring normal person. Groups of people like we have on here are very unique. Most people will never get to become involved in the kind of demographic we have in here in their lives.
Get divorced, lose a lot of money, lose a parent and suddenly life becomes simpler. What matters is very little, but what remains is so important.
Mostly alpha males in here. We thrive on risk taking, working hard, ambition, wanting to be the best, wanting more than others around us, stress (to a degree) is like a drug to alphas. Driven, focused, tunnel vision with laser guided goals

You dont get to drive around in Supercars without a trade off and some big sacrifices in life.

Comes with the territory Gents. Learn to deal with it or get off the gravy train and become a boring normal person. Groups of people like we have on here are very unique. Most people will never get to become involved in the kind of demographic we have in here in their lives.

Moz, that's not a recipe for everyone's life. Inner contentment is the prize to chase and that isn't a financial thing for everyone. Some of the happiest people I know are skint, some if the most miserable are loaded . Some if the most fked up and insecure ones are people stressed and living beyond their means / talent. It's not one cap fits all
easier said than done - what's the trick to switching off ??

It's not you know . It's logic . People are dying all around me for example , I'm in falluja 2006 . It's bed time , if I sleep I can perform better , will me not sleeping, wringing my hands in worry I mprove the situation or make things worse ? Have this discussion with yourself [whatever is concerning you]you will conclude "why not sleep?". one must learn to deal with things and think about things at the appropriate time . There's a time for everything , these are boxes . There are things you can do , these are things . Put these things in the right boxes at the right time . The end
As for food and training , it takes no longer to eat healthily than it does to eat shit . Got no time ? Have a protein drink not shit. Again simple .
There are 24 hrs in a day show me someone who can't spare 30 mins to work out in 24hrs and I'll show you a lazy liar .
It's discipline and planning , I promise you it's easy
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It's not you know . It's logic . People are dying all around me for example , I'm in falluja 2006 . It's bed time , if I sleep I can perform better , will me not sleeping improve the situation or make things worse ? Have this discussion with yourself . one must learn to deal with things and think about things at the appropriate time . There's a time for everything , these are boxes . There are things you can do , these are things . Put these things in the right boxes at the right time . The end
It's discipline .

Good point. The key is understanding when you can control something and when you can't, and accepting and adapting to that fact.

Example of this. I could never sleep on planes. I was a nervous flyer anyway and didn't like the idea of not being able to respond immediately in case something happened. Silly I know. Then I went to India and if you've ever been in rural India , on the roads, after dark you've never experienced proper fear. And then, after a week or so I realised I wasn't dead and really had no control over what was going on anyway. After that I can sleep like a baby on planes now.

If you can't switch off when you're not working then take it as a sign of failure rather than success.

I've suffered from stress in the past - proper, physically debilitating stress. Took me ages to understand why. I don't let things bother me so much any more and , to be honest, I'm probably doing my job better as a result.
Had an interesting chat with Steve the other night, regarding the pressures we put on ourselves under because we are a certain type.

Haven't slept properly for three and a half weeks due to pressures

Realised i've got far too many plates spinning for my head to cope with stuff

Our House for Sale
Found a house to buy
3 New cars on order, 2 due in may
Appointed a commercial director in my main business
Appointed 6 new managers in my main business
30 odd ground staff to co ordinate (read grief)
Relentless business and overheads growth
Garage interiors and doors business busy
Kids taking their gcses
Wife suffering with menopause terribly
Starting my journey on circuit racing
Expensive lifestyle vs quality of life

Generally not exercising, knackered and stressed to hell. Bit of a hamster wheel, how do you break the cycle?

Anyone else get like this?

Reading through that list, quite a few of those things are choices - all but the wife's menopause.

The house buying and selling - should only be stressful when you actually need to physically move. That, I agree, is always stressful - even when you get the movers to do all the packing. But if you've already got a buyer and found a new place, that's all done.

Your fruit & veg business pays for everything - you need to manage that. Hence the new hires I suppose. But that's business.

Does the garage business pay for your lifestyle? Can it ever do so? If not, get rid.

Track racing - just a hobby. If that is stressful and not stress relieving, you're doing it wrong!

Main thing is look after your health - physical and mental.

Lastly, beware building a golden cage. Therein lies stress.
The worst woe is me thread ever?

We are only here once, live it to the full, love & look after those closest to you, buy what you want, sell what you don't & most importantly, look after yourself.
The worst woe is me thread ever?

We are only here once, live it to the full, love & look after those closest to you, buy what you want, sell what you don't & most importantly, look after yourself.

Yes you are right, woe is me.

Bad day yesterday, lack of sleep really not good and getting out of current cycle difficult.

Took Dooms advice, an hour and half down the gym this morning and a nice healthy breakfast. I'm getting a PT again i think.

Normal service has resumed, fear not.

I do need to relinquish some stress though, maybe a wank will help 😀
Yes you are right, woe is me.

Bad day yesterday, lack of sleep really not good and getting out of current cycle difficult.

Took Dooms advice, an hour and half down the gym this morning and a nice healthy breakfast. I'm getting a PT again i think.

Normal service has resumed, fear not.

I do need to relinquish some stress though, maybe a wank will help 😀

As he said, workout & diet is life changing, I'v let mine slip the last 6 months & it's just silly how shit I feel!
Good Thread..

I seriously believe the wanting to be the best and have the best is mainly fuelled by insecurities in most of us, I know it 100% used to be in me. Now I don't care so much. I measure my own success against my own goals, I do not constantly strive to have or achieve what others do, as we all do different things.

It is like all of this posting on social media about what you have, what you are getting, what top venue you are at is the oppitamy of insecurity & the desire to be accepted, admired and to some point envied by others, to gain recognition which boosts the ego and helps balance the insecurities. Does the venue matter? Surely it's the people you are with that make the occasion.

I eat well, I exercise 4 or 5 times a week and I no longer smoke, exercise builds endorphins, they make you happy, you feel good, it makes you happy, you start to see a change in the way you look, it makes you feel happy and more confident. You sleep better. This allows you to perform better in your working life. The success comes organically.

After all, you wouldn't put used oil with sand in it, in a car you have just spent 300k on, so why put shit in your body constantly. everything is about balance.

My life has changed massively in the past 12 months, based on one event. I put 100% effort in to what I do, but I will not do anything that will jeopardise mine or my families happiness, my wife and kids come before anyone and anything, that includes working 18 hour days and stressing like fuck trying to grow a business, as that affects the family. If I feel like working in the evening, I will, if I don't I won't.

Do what makes you happy, which in-turn will make the people around you happy. No point being dead rich.
Well said Gobby! Agree 100%
Are you still getting that Bugatti Veyron Gobby ?
Too many people buy things they don't need with money they don't have to impress people they've never met on the internet.

It is odd.