Public Arena Discussion.

Most of what you say makes perfect sense, man is a an idiot through & through, and most of what we do heads for self destruction. Wether everything falls apart in our lifetime is hard to predict, seems like all we can do is make the best of what we have , and hang on to as many physical asserts as possible.
We often 'gang up' to make gain or headway, we call it Teamwork or a Company or a Club. Yet we will readily dismiss anything that alludes to this happening at the very top of finance as 'tin foil' territory.

We are often our own worst enemy though as a result, when this 'team' becomes a Cartel then the rest of us not in the cartel suffer. By having a state that has and is today working in league with Intl finance there is effectively a cartel.

This is the great modern problem, the present day problem, is that the 'power' sector (Govt.) has effectively ceased working for the great mass of people and is now so hugely in thrall to the Financial big players that we are getting an almost complete dictatorship, it will not matter if you vote Labour, Conservative or Liberal, all know that they have to repay the pasts mistakes.

The greatest mistake we in the UK made was not letting the Banks fold from the top down, instead we have just used QE to keep them inflated. the great mass of the public were lied to in being told this could not have been done, instead we paid for whipping boys, banks under a partial umbrella upon which huge burdens have been placed in order to keep the others safe, you and I have paid handsomely for this and we will be paying for all the time we hold only a partial hand.

We have put an enormous amount of our money (both real and in the form a mortgage on the coming generation) in the pot in a game of Five Card Stud, but we've only been dealt 3 cards

The reality is that had the Bank crash been managed properly and all High St. Banks brought under a state umbrella and the 'gambling' sector left to die from it's own poisonous bite, this Country would have suffered no worse than we have, but we would have rid ourselves of the continued series of disasters that will come and go with increasing regularity and ever deepening lows.

This is mismanagement on a cataclysmic scale.

We can't win this game and the pot is growing all the time.
(written 21st August 2014)
China will be brought in by a surprising route, I will outline it here and you can watch as each domino falls in the progress toward another global war.

The protagonists will be...

In the Red Corner, traditional colour you'll agree... Russiaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

In the Blue Corner, the great 'Yellow Hope' Chinaaaaaaaaaaa! In the corner for this bout is the US of A giving a hand as part of the payback of loans mechanism invented just for this occasion.
Here we are 3 weeks later and China is massing troops on the Russian Border.

Russia is due to test fire it's latest ICBM next month.

The tests are well known and notified but the Chinese do not like them.

China is saying also that they fear IS/ISIS/ISIL/Al queada attacks across the border before the year is out.
Let's get back to those 'accounts', those unaudited accounts.

In reality they are unaudited, there is no detail.

For example we know how much money has been (to use the 'magic' word) 'Notionalised' by pressing a button on a mouse but we don't know to whom it has been given, how much they got and how much they are being charged for this 'free money' all we do know is that thanks to a bit of 'creative accounting' we are very likely to get back only exactly what we (the tax payer) have mortgaged ourselves to provide for this game.

Because although it is just a click on a mouse button the reality is that it will eventually be added to our taxes, not the entire sum of course as that will be returned, but the 20 to 25 years of 'interest' we have to absorb will be added to our taxation. Even 0.5% over that time scale is a goodly approach to 13% and the sums involved are so enormous that it beggars belief.

But because, despite the 'facade', this really is a Private Company that has a Royal Charter meaning it is neither fish nor fowl as far as auditing is concerned, we know nothing, just a sop to keep the mildly enquiring happy and unconcerned.

Real scrutiny exposes this simple truth.

As in all things, the litmus test is the maxim 'cui bono'... well one thing IS for certain, it ain't us, Mr. and Mrs. Average.

This 'top down' model fails us at every turn, takes away chairs and stops the music at will and seemingly from every Historical occasion does so whilst bolstering it's own position.

I'm a reasonable man and thought 7 years ago this was just another recession and the outcry for Bankers to be burned at the stake was OTT, but, the more you look, the harder you look and the harder you look the harder your heart becomes and frankly had I known then what I know now, I'd have been dipping the brand in the oil and heading for the BoE looking a for a Witch-in-a-suit.

Since I wrote the post on 'Crisis Actors' new information is coming to light about the Sandy Hook Massacre, it seems there is now solid proof that this was an exercise, it was fake!

This Company ( ) I am told wrote the script for it a couple of years earlier and it was acted out as if real.

No child or adult killed.

So it seems we have the Boston Bombing as an excuse to kill the elder Tsarnaev brother (Known CIA Asset) that was outed by the Russians as trying to raise dissent when he went home (CIA standard practice) and upon his return was used to plant fake/non-lethal smoke bombs in Boston and now it seems also that we have another exercise used to further exert influence on public thinking and fear.

Nasty if true and I'm assured it is.
Will look into this, my son went to great lengths to show me Boston was fake.
I was convinced .
It seems the plot was simple.

It was a new and large-scale cultivation of the MI6 'backstep' process for spies.

For adults we seek to 'lose' in fog for successful covert work we would backstep them 10 years and connections to any past become vague/lost, for children the backstep needs be only 4 or 5 years, and so it was in this giant scam.

Children change on a rapid scale but are also immature so the timing in the script of this deception is critical.

So the children in this charade were not born in 2005/6 but actually 2001.