Silverstone today

Matty Ev

Stutt9art VIP
Cars owned: Mclaren mp4-12c
So guys..... who were the great folks I had the pleasure of talking to today

I'm Matty in the black Mclaren by the way
Welcome Matty to S9 🙁y):

(I wasn't at Silverstone today)

post up you photos
I was in the Silver 991 GT3RS and the blue Focus RS

My son was in the yellow 211
Hi Matt

I'm Drew who was in the Red Exige!

Welcome ✌️
Hiya pal,
Didn't spot the Porsche it the focus I did see go extremely well... nice down shifts in turn 1 😍👍👍
Hi Matt, welcome to s9. good to meet you yesterday. ( Vinny, Orange Macca)

we like pictures on S9.

Hopefully the mods will grant you full access, then you can see the tread on the isle of man visit, planned for next year.
Hi Matt, welcome to S9's. Lots of McLaren love here.
Hiya Vinny,
Yes good to meet you.
Did see you later on around the beema guys as I was leaving. Did you get to talk to the relevant guys??

I'm a little poor on the internet tech side.. so I'll try put some pictures up now... if I can find out how 🙈
That's good to hear - cuz I love mine.
I see your on the IOM?
Had an interesting chat with vinny yesterday - if an invite is available - I'd love to fly over 😜
I'm in the tank in the outskirts of Mosul 😂
Hello Matty. The McLaren in the pic with the P1?
Hi Matty, me and my lad in the blue M5