Thanks Moz for the invite - AntsEvo here


Stutt9art VIP
Cars owned: Escort RS1700, Escort RS Turbo, Escort Cosworth, Evo 6, Evo 7, Evo 4, Shogun, VW Camper, Merc
Just thought I would say a quick Hi to everyone.. seems there are a few familiar faces on here..

For those who don't know.. was made sort of "famous" for owning a Tuned up Evo 7 that "whipped" Moz!! But spent more time in the garage that on the road.. probably caused a tuning company to go bust.. and had to sell it for a loss when the property marked went belly up.

But hope to be back again very soon...

As I am married with a child, it appears I have to be more sensible these days, and things like MPG seems to come first from my wife's lips...

We do have an old "restored" VW Camper Automatic, never thought I would like that - but believe me.. we have had so much fun with it!!

Run a couple of businesses.. for those who used to know me.. Yes the Estate Agency has gone and is no more... but I am far happier now that I ever was.. except for the evo..

Enough ranting....

Ants, great to hear from you on fb earlier today, it's been a long time dude.

Quite a few ex MLR'ers sheltering in here these days, you will recognise a few names.

Stick around, good crowd in here and some decent social stuff goes on too.

Where are you living these days?
Thanks Steve..I have noticed a few names.. so would be good to hear from them again...

Now living near Epsom Downs (Surrey) ... In an old Grade 2 listed house that I have "Mashed Up" a bit (before listing officer saw most of it)

Although I don't have anything like an impressive garage complex (or house) as yourself!!
Blade is TonyR on here btw.

My last house was a Grade 2 Listed farmhouse, right pain in the arse doing anything to it without the knobs in Conservation poking their noses in!
Gosh.. the advice he used to give me!!
Welcome. Now dish the dirt on Moz :)
Welcome along :thumbsup:
Ha ha.. I am "bound" to keep all of it secret!! Although he was a good customer on one of my websites!! :concern:
Thanks.. this looks quite a calming site for me.. just what I need!!

Not sure about the calming part of it, especially when Moz is involved ;)
Not sure about the calming part of it, especially when Moz is involved ;)

Oi, I'm totally mellow these days in my old age.
Ha ha.. I am "bound" to keep all of it secret!! Although he was a good customer on one of my websites!! :concern: ???
Welcome. I reckon this will be our first camper van too.
Mycroft will be along in a moment, I'm sure ;)

I was on the MLR for a while (as V-Bird) don't remember this chap though... whatever... welcome AntsEvo.

Used to be fun on that site... until they banned for telling a homosexual he was a pervert, telling a faux-muslim terrorist he was a self-abuser and that the mods were fornicating idiots... some people have absolutely no sense of humour at all, I mean, it was all true and FUNNY... isn't that what a forum is for???

I must get some kip...

EDIT... just noticed, PUBLIC FORUM, edited to be all PC and bollox
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Hi Ant - How long????
