The front end of the Audi was crumpled-in about 12/14", but not destroyed like the 109.
Small cars may look cute and be easy to park etc. and I take onboard what Knickers mentions about affordability of course, but they don't appear to be able to stand up to the forces larger vehicles can exert upon them in a big impact like on the 11th of August at Cooper Bridge near Huddersfield.
The driver of the Audi was taken away with some injuries too, but he was taken by the Police having just blown 72mg (allegedly) at 8:45 in the morning, this was three Saturdays ago.
The driver and passenger of the 109 were far less fortunate, my dear Mum was the passenger, she passed away shortly after the crash due to her injuries despite all of the airbags deploying in the 109 and the paramedics doing their level best to save her, her husband was the driver of the 109, he sustained broken ribs, a fractured pelvis and a punctured lung, he could barley breath or talk at her funeral yesterday. All that damage and that's with an NCAP 5 rating in a small car.
Both cars in the pictures are facing the opposite way to the way they were travelling at the time of impact. The Audi had just negotiated the roundabout and traffic lights in the background, whilst it was an S5 I do not believe he could have been doing massive speed, nor could the 109 as it was slowing for the roundabout. I'm told he clipped the RHD side curb which sent him directly into the oncoming 109.
I share this with you today for this reason alone, I bought this small car for my Mum, it's what she wanted, but now I just feel deep sorrow for her loss and guilt for buying her a small car.
My lesson has been hard leaned over the past 3 weeks, despite the other driver being DUI as long as there are large cars on the road I will not buy another small car...……. ever