

Peter T


Hello fellow s9sers,

Just a short introduction to you all. I am a bit of a petrol head loving all things that move under compression old or new.

I have been fortunate over the years to own some nice metalwork from a very young age and hope to continue to do so in the coming years. Over the years, maybe because lm now older, l am steering towards cars that rely on the driver making decisions and not software written in a lab. Cars don't have to be driven fast to enjoy them just a clear open road like in France.

Food for thought........

Peter T
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What you drive now ??

Where are you down south or up north
Hi Peter, thanks for registering and good to see you posting.

Welcome aboard

Yes that would help, pictures on there way.
Located in Surrey.

Okay, here are the current cars. I seem to like cars with numbers





No Two Yet...............













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Hi and welcome to S9's . Safe to say that you like zee German cars.
Hi Henry,

Yes it does look that way, however I have owned Italian and British built cars in the past. You can't beat the charisma and individual character of Italian cars, that I do miss. My preference is to Porsche finding that the overall ownership experience is hard to beat, especially on the rarer models.
Welcome to S9

Nice collection - welcome!
Love b5 RS4's (great colour as well)
Welcome Peter, nice choices :)

You joining our Zandvoort trip ?
Hi Henry,

Yes it does look that way, however I have owned Italian and British built cars in the past. You can't beat the charisma and individual character of Italian cars, that I do miss. My preference is to Porsche finding that the overall ownership experience is hard to beat, especially on the rarer models.

Hi P,

Are you sure you don't live in Birmingham, have ginger hair and go by the name of 'D' or 'A'? 😄😄👍🏽


Also, just another question if I may..... What is that rear aero foil thing on the GT3?


R 😬
Hi Henry,

I'm not sure I got the D or A comment...

It's a GT3 RS rear deck and carbon wing and up front it has a larger Motorsport spoiler and a RS front lip the counter the additional down-force. It does the job but scraps on everything. Makes driving in the UK fun!
Hi Henry,

I'm not sure I got the D or A comment...

It's a GT3 RS rear deck and carbon wing and up front it has a larger Motorsport spoiler and a RS front lip the counter the additional down-force. It does the job but scraps on everything. Makes driving in the UK fun!

That is Ross having a laugh with you.... ;)

I think your Porsche is looking good, do you get to track it much? There is a trackday trip to Zandvoort from S9's if you are interested and want to jump in the deepend with a few of the guys on here.
That is Ross having a laugh with you.... ;)

I think your Porsche is looking good, do you get to track it much? There is a trackday trip to Zandvoort from S9's if you are interested and want to jump in the deepend with a few of the guys on here.

I could well be up for it , what are the dates as l don't appear to have visibility to the members area of this forum
Hi Henry,

I'm not sure I got the D or A comment...

It's a GT3 RS rear deck and carbon wing and up front it has a larger Motorsport spoiler and a RS front lip the counter the additional down-force. It does the job but scraps on everything. Makes driving in the UK fun!

Hi P,

I'm pulling your chain.... Welcome aboard matey 👍🏽
I could well be up for it , what are the dates as l don't appear to have visibility to the members area of this forum

Hi Peter, It's a private day for S9'ers and friends of us. Will be around 35 cars and mix of track and social. You will enjoy, we are a good bunch. Since the low volume we will have no probs with noise or traffic.

UK gang I think plans tunnel 8am June 20, meet at my house (South NL on route to Zandvoort) 12pm CET for snack, pee, espresso, did min pool, chat up the nanny etc and we head to Zandvoort around 1.30pm. Arrive 3pm for registration etc. Track 5-7pm and BBQ on the beach Mon eve. June 21 we have full track time 9.00-17.00. Some will stay over Tue eve for AMS chill and some heads home.

Mail me at henrik@4hbv.com and I'll forward you details :)