Just landed here, may I please have entrance.
Any friend of Peter is welcome !
The gates are now open.
Please do yourself an intro thread and make sure you include some pics of your cars (we like pics of owners cars in here), and also how you like to use them.
Make sure you are aware when you are posting of whether you are in the private or public sections too.
No doubt others in here will already know you and show themselves at that time.
Again, welcome.
Just arrived, recommended by fellow MoC members.
Just arrived, recommended by fellow MoC members.
Hi Jas,
Nice to see you on here.
I am sure you’ll be let in soon 🙂
Just arrived, recommended by fellow MoC members.
Welcome Jas,
Access now granted.
Do yourself a self intro thread please and ahow us your cars too.
And do be aware of the two “public” sections to be sure you are posting where you are happy for stuff to be seen.
One of the idiots in the McLaren Owners Club (you know who you are) said this was a good place to hang out.
One of the idiots in the McLaren Owners Club (you know who you are) said this was a good place to hang out.
Hello, newbie here, know lots of you benders on here from PGT & PH
Alex is cool. Lots of people here will know him...or have been brought back to Blightly by him from the Ring or other far flung places...
Think the longest run he has done for me was from Munich...and that was on his way back from Czech Republic or somewhere like that!
Alex was also a tad scary on a lap of the Ring in his E36 M3 on slicks...
Alex is cool. Lots of people here will know him...or have been brought back to Blightly by him from the Ring or other far flung places...
Think the longest run he has done for me was from Munich...and that was on his way back from Czech Republic or somewhere like that!
Alex was also a tad scary on a lap of the Ring in his E36 M3 on slicks...
Alex was also a tad scary on a lap of the Ring in his E36 M3 on slicks...