Hello fellow car nutters!


Stutt9art VIP
Cars owned: AMG GTR, 430 CUP, 620R, Ranger MSRT
Hi all I thought I would introduce myself 'Drew' as the newest member after the introduction from Nick aka 'KnickeRS'!

I look forward to joining in with the forum to see what events come up and of course everyone's enthusiasm for those gleaming bits of metal!

Ive heard about the trip to Holland which sounds amazing and the weather should be awesome to make the most of our cars!
Hi and welcome to S9's.
Hi Drew,
Welcome to S9's and make sure you get stuck in.

The Zandvoort trip I mentioned is here
http://www.s9s.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?t=13725 as you're missing out on Monaco, again, you might as well chance your M4 on this trip instead !

Be warned, once you're settled here, I'm going to be tapping you up for a banner ad to promote your business too 🙂
Welcome Drew, will be great if you can join us for the Zandvoortt trip.
Hi guys the Holland trip looks great and I'm up for this for sure as I'm missing out on the Monaco trip! Bloody 10 year wedding anniversary and best friends wedding all on one weekend!

Nick not problem with a banner for my business if you offered me one of your cars it would buy a lot of nice things from us maybe even do most of the house!
I've tried to view the link but I can't as it says I don't yet have the privalages?
Thank you! I've always been a big M fan! I'm popping down to Tring BMW at the weekend to look the new M2 I've ordered which is the same as there showroom model. I've got my M4 going in for a little tuning soon to sort the tracks and suspension so it behaves better on the road and track oh and a little extra power to be added!
Welcome to S9 😀
Thank you to all for being so welcoming
So tell me more about you M4 mods? I love mine and am thinking about some tweaks too!!
Hi Drew, look forward to meet you at Zandvoort. Very keen to see what a well set up M4 will do. Somehow we hear little about the Munich cars due to all the banter between owners of cars from Stuttgart and Woking. I am sure you will enjoy the event.