Stutt9art VIP
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Cars owned: Shitboxes!
Shit what did you do to your back? Last time I saw you you looked fine?
FF Rangie is no bad way to smoke about. However, not sure I'd have let you in if I'd known you've bought that Fiat 🙂
The back hadn't been right for quite a while Nick,lot of Rugby in my teens to early twenties then dirt bikes,quads,mountain bikes etc did a lot of hard manual graft when we first bought the house as I had the time and I could keep an eye on all the contractors etc when we were doing all the work,it did however finish off what was left of my discs on L4/5 of my lumbar spine.
The local GP,s kept dishing out evermore Codiene and anti inflammatories until I felt like an extra from the walking dead !
I then heard about a newly opened private GP locally so I signed up explianed everything and the first question was have you got private health and have you had a scan.I have had private health since I was 18 and hadn't had a scan or shit from the wanky local GP,s.
He packed me off to see a neurologist at the London Bridge Hospital which is key and not a spinal surgeon who in comparison re butchers.
The scans were done then I sat down with him and looked at the results zero discs just bone on bone ,he explained replacement disc surgery and showed me the titanium plates and jelly disc interwoven with a weave of 3D printed material to ape our own discs.The following Wednesday after 8hrs of keyhole through my abdomen all was done and the next day I was walking!
Fantastic Op has taken a while to get back to normal more through the post op trauma but the difference is incredible when you have constant pain you forget what it's like when it's gone ,so many friends have said I can't see it etched on your face anymore.So all in all so worth while and a new lease of life.