

Stutt9art VIP
Cars owned: Bike
Worth checking your policies in this rising value market.

My Speciale was on a new for old replacement, which basically meant £240k if it got nicked... Leaving me well out of pocket.

Now got a guaranteed value of £350k so worth doing
I use James Stewart , one call and they go up automatically .
Yup use James, best chap around for higher value cars
01462 439 847 - great guy and awesome policy!
Another vote for James.

I use the same brokers but not James himself although in due course, I am sure it will be James handling my policies as he gets people like us and knows exactly what to do each and every time.
Who is the broker Nick?
He couldn't get anywhere near Aon for me.

For me the best insurance isn't necessarily the cheapest . It's how well a HUGE claim is handled and how your corner is fought , how little headache you get , how they do little things to help you out when the unexpected happens , how there's always a friend , that understands what you mean at the end of the line , by that barometer Rephlex is Godzilla , superman and Cicero all in one 😍
Ive used a somehwhat unknown firm. Somebody called Pace Ward for neigh on 7-8 years, always gound them very good
For me the best insurance isn't necessarily the cheapest . It's how well a HUGE claim is handled and how your corner is fought , how little headache you get , how they do little things to help you out when the unexpected happens , how there's always a friend , that understands what you mean at the end of the line , by that barometer Rephlex is Godzilla , superman and Cicero all in one 😍

Exactly this.
2008 was the year I found out just how good NPA Noyce Livett really was!
Are they really selling for that much money? don't think i would sell but surely it cannot last?
Had experience of this earlier this year, backed my 2k mile 991 GT3 into a car and it needed a new shell. The damage was 50k and they had a bid at salvage at £65k. They paid me list price of £115k but wouldn't pay me the then trading price of around £165k. I pushed for the higher price but they simply said they would repair the car for me.

Will call my fez insurance in the morn!
The car is now unrecorded with a new shell and back on the road!
For me the best insurance isn't necessarily the cheapest . It's how well a HUGE claim is handled and how your corner is fought , how little headache you get , how they do little things to help you out when the unexpected happens , how there's always a friend , that understands what you mean at the end of the line , by that barometer Rephlex is Godzilla , superman and Cicero all in one 😍

He wont be pleased you have called him godzilla although of course i can see the similarity... James does all my cars now. after rob sent me a pm this afternoon reminding me to increase spaz i sent a mail to james and within 5 mins request was confirmed in writing.
Will speak with James at renewal, he struggled with my van fleet insurance last time we spoke. I prefer to use one broker, hopefully next time i can use him... He is indeed a very nice chap and highly recommended by everyone
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For me the best insurance isn't necessarily the cheapest . It's how well a HUGE claim is handled and how your corner is fought , how little headache you get , how they do little things to help you out when the unexpected happens , how there's always a friend , that understands what you mean at the end of the line , by that barometer Rephlex is Godzilla , superman and Cicero all in one 😍

I wouldn't know as I've never had a big claim with any insurance company, but Aon are one of the big brokers and have been going for a while so they can't be that bad.
Will speak with James at renewal, he struggled with my van fleet insurance last time we spoke. I prefer to use one broker, hopefully next time i can use him... He is indeed a very nice chap and highly recommended by everyone

I've tried many times to get one broker to insure everything but if they are good at expensive stuff, they don't want to know the shitters..and vis versa.........just wait till your kids are old enough to drive !
I wouldn't know as I've never had a big claim with any insurance company, but Aon are one of the big brokers and have been going for a while so they can't be that bad.

Brilliant , glad you are happy