New members, let's be 'avin ya !

Looks like a great project! Start a build thread perhaps? Would be keen to follow! Welcome! 🙁rofl):
Sorry lads, I joined a while ago but not been online since.

By looking through this thread it seems to be a lot of names I recognise. Truly looking forward to being apart of this and getting involved

Yesterday was the first day on restoring a 1969 911, seat out ready to go to the upholster. (13 week wait) the idea is to preserve this car where possible. So it's only the driver seat that needs a repair where the seatbelt bracket tore the seat side

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As you can see, drivers seat out and nothing set on fire...peace of cake
View attachment 7426

The plan is to get the engine out in the next couple of weeks as the piston rings are shot and oil and fuel mix in minutes now and force fuel and oil out the oil breather pipe. It's a matching numbers car so the engine will go back in it one nick fuljames has worked his magic.

In the mean time I bought a very heathy 2.2 1970 engine and gearbox to go in as a stop gap. So I will be refreshing the suspension bushes and struts and keep it on the road for the summer. Then over the winter I will get the bodywork done.

This should be interesting.....putting it back together
View attachment 7427
Welcome Rob. I look forward to seeing further pictures of your project. There's something very special about an early 911 that somehow seems much cooler now than the later cars.
Welcome to S9's chaps, that 911 looks so pure and cool at the same time.