So the good news, I am not blind. There are some strange side effects, flickering and pulsing of the image which I need to check out but that’s more than likely vision settlement.
I have to go back to Moorfields hospital tomorrow for a checkup and see exactly where I am.
Good news:
1) I can see for miles. It’s ridiculous in-fact. I don’t think I have ever seen that distance in my life, ever.
2) The clarity is incredible. Best description is previous vision was VHS, now it is Ultra High Definition. I have actually seen things everywhere that I have never seen before.
3) I could drive now once it’s settled. My vision is a million times better than it was wearing glasses previously.
4) Colours are amazing. I didn’t realise one the Aventador had sparkly/glittery paint until today!
5) Finally, I can see the TV clearly so today’s F1 race is firmly booked
Bad news:
1) The post-operative treatment is intense especially in the first week. 4 sets of eye drops have to be administered to each eye with a minimum 3 minute gap between each eye. That’s realistically taking 20 to 25 minutes every 2 hours from 8 am to 8pm. Some of the drops must stay refrigerated which makes it an interesting challenge going anywhere at all.
2) As mentioned above there is flickering and pulsing of the image which is a bit like vertigo but I am hoping that will settle, find out tomorrow.
3) My close vision is non-existent so I can’t see my phone, laptop or even computer screen. With a cheap pair of purchased reading glasses, It isn’t bad. I can see my car instruments OK, at least as well as before with glasses (bit better even).
4) The wife is not as good looking as I thought
So overall, the prognosis looks good. I’ll know more from tomorrows tests, but I should (if this flickering settles) be functional again next week as the regime of eye drop treatment is less intense (but still pretty intense!) This assumes nothing changes, no infection sets in etc.
Laser tweaking won’t happen for 3 months but I think I’m looking good for life in that period. Quite what I finally end up with in regard to close vision I don't know. I couldn't have a multi-distance lense thanks to the laser surgery. I will have to have post laser treatment in 3 months to do final corrections, but again in what direction. Could have one eye more for close, one for distance - need to understand all the pros and cons.
Anyone late 30's upwards, don't bother with laser. You will eventually get cataracts and laser reduces your options. It looks like I had cataracts from the off and the fuckers treated me with laser anyway. Coonts!
I won't really be on here for a few days as it's a bit tiring to look at stuff. Many thanks for all the good wishes