See you later

Tony, these prices are less than a pair of norks mate.... Cheap as chips for the result I would say.....
Am going to show the Mrs, her sight is -6 & -5.5...... So I will hold this close...
That was what I started off at.

I went to Advanced Vision Care in Harley Street which cost almost 4k and had 3 yrs of misery. They didn't diagnose the cataracts that MUST have been there. They gave me LASIK twice, and left me with some aberrations, terrible dry eyes due to large flaps and big problems with this surgery due to over large flaps and one of them being off centre.

I could have had a multi focal lense and perfect gift at all distances if I had not had LASIK. The pain is similar so I am with implants vs laser. In fact doing it all again, if over 40 you may as well just get the replacement lenses done as you can then get laser after for perfect vision for life that won't change, including avoiding presbyopia

I've got the reading vision of a 60 yr old now and can't do anything about that until 2020 when this new tech arrives
That was what I started off at.

I went to Advanced Vision Care in Harley Street which cost almost 4k and had 3 yrs of misery. They didn't diagnose the cataracts that MUST have been there. They gave me LASIK twice, and left me with some aberrations, terrible dry eyes due to large flaps and big problems with this surgery due to over large flaps and one of them being off centre.

I could have had a multi focal lense and perfect gift at all distances if I had not had LASIK. The pain is similar so I am with implants vs laser. In fact doing it all again, if over 40 you may as well just get the replacement lenses done as you can then get laser after for perfect vision for life that won't change, including avoiding presbyopia

I've got the reading vision of a 60 yr old now and can't do anything about that until 2020 when this new tech arrives

Any recourse against them?

I can now understand how you kept hitting the buy it now button by mistake :)
Any recourse against them?

I can now understand how you kept hitting the buy it now button by mistake :)

Hilarious! Possibly, but hard to prove anything. Best thing I can do is just warn people off.

So had check up this morning - they are amazed. One day of op, I was 20/20 - now I am 20/12 (for those not in the know this is better than 20/20!)

Reading vision isn't great - same as 55yr old. I need about +1.5 to see computers and +2.5 to +3.0 to read close up.

Small price. There is some residual astigmatism which will be rectified with laser treatment later (3 or 4 months time) and that will help the reading too. Also, the eyes still need to settle a lot and it is improving daily.

Only negatives are some flashing seen around 20hz which is backscatter light from the retina hitting the lense. Brain will filter that out.

In short, fucking amazing - even by their standards. I can see clearly for miles. Was VHS, now I'm quad HD :D :D
Great news Tony, glad to hear it has worked out for you. Eyes are not the sort of things you mess around with and want going wrong.
Been tempted for years to get laser surgery at moorfields as I now have to two stigmatisms now. But scared shitless of the thought of it :(
Lenses I guess are fixed so you will be advised about varifocals. I went that route and you very quickly learn to use them, only tip the deeper the lense the more gradual the gradient on the lenses , I was vain first time round and wanted the smallest lenses possible, went deeper on the second pair and a lot better

To all others all surgery carries risks so loads of research before you go ahead . I was advised that by a friend who is an eye surgeon. I have a cateract lense that's slightly fogged due to a manufacturing issue. I've been advised to leave as long as I can and I will as any "fix" carries extra risk. So pleased Tonys went so well !!
Hilarious! Possibly, but hard to prove anything. Best thing I can do is just warn people off.

So had check up this morning - they are amazed. One day of op, I was 20/20 - now I am 20/12 (for those not in the know this is better than 20/20!)

Reading vision isn't great - same as 55yr old. I need about +1.5 to see computers and +2.5 to +3.0 to read close up.

Small price. There is some residual astigmatism which will be rectified with laser treatment later (3 or 4 months time) and that will help the reading too. Also, the eyes still need to settle a lot and it is improving daily.

Only negatives are some flashing seen around 20hz which is backscatter light from the retina hitting the lense. Brain will filter that out.

In short, fucking amazing - even by their standards. I can see clearly for miles. Was VHS, now I'm quad HD :D :D

Really good news, it takes balls to have anything done to your eyes and even more so when its repeatedly and at risk to loss of vision

Top job finally
You would have been better at this before Tony!!!!

It was watching Kate that made him go blind in the first place