Hi - newbie unfortunately....


Stutt9art VIP
Cars owned: A big boxster and an old beetle
Hello chaps. Some familiar names i see around from more than one place too. Been told about this place previously by dblue from PH and so when Henry very kindly extended an invitation for me to come by here when I met him at Mclaren Ascot yesterday, could hardly say no.

Been told on my introductory email some car pics are the done thing for the new ones so here goes.



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Hi Welcome!...different username but I recognise my stable mate :)
Ha......welcome.......So pleased you are on here..
Hello mate , great to have you here
Ping him in to the main Forum Moz taa.

Welcome to S9's.
Hi matey good to see you here
don't know you (perhaps the only one on here who doesn't it seems!)

but..lovely cars, welcome in
Full access all sorted earlier today Gents.

Welcome aboard :)
Welcome ISV. You seem to be a popular chap and amongst friends here so I'm sure you'll enjoy the good ship S9's.

I look forward to meeting you at some point. Are you going to the Marque 1 event tomorrow ?
Thanks for the welcome and kind words...

KnickeRS - unfortunately not as I am flying somewhere in the middle of the Atlantic tomorrow. I will be at Silverstone for the goldtrack day the next week though so if anyone is there do say hi.

Lasource - well spotted!
Oh no,another one !!!! See you in a few day Matey !!!